
Showing posts from August, 2020

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Polycystic Ovarian Disease

 PCOS/PCOD is like that ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM who is sometimes DESCRIBED by it's TAIL, sometimes by it's TRUNK , sometimes by it's EARS and so forth! AND yes whenever we try HARDER to know about it's COMPLETE WHOLE PICTURE , we all end up saying that " IT'S CAUSELESS" AND I guess this is that point where all get FRUSTRATED & IRRITATED and start looking for the real answer. THE FACT ! After seeing hundreds & hundreds of YOUNG GIRLS to MARRIED WOMEN suffering with PCOS / PCOD , few things got really clear in my head. PCOS/PCOD is increasing in INDIA like the FIRE IN THE FOREST but our setback is that just like THE IGNORANCE WOMEN'S HEALTH experiences and so is the state of AWARENESS ABOUT PCOS .    The stigma attached to the OPEN DISCUSSION about MENSES/PERIOD/MONTHY has lead to LATE DETECTION of PCOS/PCOD. With the growing consumption of ARTIFICIAL HORMONES either in form of ADULTERATED COW'S MILK or CONTRACEPTIVE DRUGS consumed beyond prescr...

Why is PHYSICAL HEALTH important for WOMEN?

 PHYSICAL HEALTH    Being physically fit was never a domain for WOMANHOOD , rather it was being propagated as a   Stigma or Wrongdoing  for young girls to enjoy a  SPORT.    Any physical activity beyond dancing or lifting utensils and buckets is not welcomed by elders in the INDIAN HOUSEHOLD.  BUT what exactly is meant by  PHYSICAL HEALTH   Physical health is defined as the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything from the mere absence of disease to overall fitness level.  After going through decades of SUPPRESSION, there are many RESTRICTIONS women have setup for THEMSELVES & here we are finding SOLUTION to all of them. Firstly Identify your BARRIERS, such as Lack of money or motivation. Think about a range of possible solutions within your scope. Consider the PERSONAL BELIEF that may be holding you đź”™,  like  How can a WOMEN go to gym? Who will manage my HOUSEHOLD when I am away? How wi...

WOMEN'S HEALTH - Let's TALK about it !

Even today there is a huge number of women in India  who are deprived of their basic rights like education, are forced into marriage early on, are not allowed to work, and also many don't get to CHOOSE the RIGHT TO BEING HEALTHY! Before choosing the RIGHT WAY TO GET HEALTHY firstly it's needed to get AWARE about WHAT ARE THE FACTORS controlling our MIND & BODY! WATCH our VIDEO on WOMEN'S HEALTH on our channel  Nari Aarogyam FACTORS like -   PHYSICAL HEALTH WORKLOAD NUTRITION                                           STRESS                                                 Good health is a key criterion, to be a HEALTHY WOMEN & EVOLVE A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY.  Here are a few tips to STAY AWESOME:- NIP THE BUD – STRESS STRESS can have signifi...

Nari Aarogyam - Holistic health for Pretty women to Iron lady

Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your well-being.   -Renee Peterson Tredeau   Women's health in INDIA is intrinsically linked to their status in society.   Research on women’s status has found that the contributions Indian women make to families often are overlooked, and instead, they are viewed as ADDED FINANCIAL burdens. Women also experience more health care needs annually because of reproductive care-related issues, and higher rates of stress-related issues. There is a great need for more holistic, integrative, comprehensive, and customized care and education for informed choice and preventative medicine in all women’s cycles and stages of life.   So Today we present before you  Our holistic approach to health focuses on personalized care and prevention, to provide full-person wellness from every angle. A holistic approach includes diet, exercise, HOMOEOPATHY , stress reduction & self-care. Women’s health improves wellness for the wh...